Aug 15Liked by Ruth Diaz .Psy.D.

Hey, longtime VRC player here. A common sentiment among players that I know are that the best female avatars are human, and the best male avatars are furry. There just aren't a big variety of male human avatars, and most of them look very similar to one another. That plays at least somewhat of a role. Another thing that plays into many guys' decision to wear an avatar that differs from their body type is because realistically, society still does not allow us to experiment much if at all in the real world. We can't wear makeup or expressive outfits. In VR, we have an opportunity to try out a very different style that otherwise wouldn't be possible. Whether it's out of curiosity/exploration or for a deeper repressed gender incongruence, VR is a space where many guys choose to take on a different appearance.

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Really great points Andrew. Thank you!

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